American Bulldog head...HOME: American Bulldog & Bandogge Breeders
American Bulldog & Bandogge Puppies & Started Adults
Personal Protection Guard Dogs
Bred for Stable Family Living

Daniel Blasco with Blasco's Doc HolidayWelcome to the Blasco Family Bulldogs© website. We are National Grand Champion American Bulldog and Bandogge breeders in Colorado. Please scroll through a few of our dogs above. I'm Dan Blasco. That's me on the left, circa 2008, with my boy, Blasco's Doc Holiday. (Sorry if I look a little mean. The sun was in my eyes.)

Please read at least this page of the website. It's under 2,500 words, so roughly a 10-minute read of relevant information, most common questions already answered.

About Our Dogs

Our Blasco American Bulldogs are the larger version of the breed, and all purebred, pedigreed dogs with their traditionally valued instinctual drives in tact. They are intelligent, deeply loving, comically playful, and typically very gentle dogs, with their own families. However, they are also natural protection dogs, with almost all males, and many females being territorial, dominant, and belligerently confrontational towards perceived threats to their home or family. We do carefully planned, selective breedings between the various types of American Bulldog, making for stronger, healthier, and always purebred American Bulldogs, typically all show quality dogs.

American Bulldogs and Bandogge Mastiffs love kids!

Our Blasco Bandogge Mastiffs are the results of outcross breedings using American Bulldogs, Cane Corsos, Perro de Presa Canarios and Spanish Alanos, Dogue de Bordeaux, South African Boerboels, English and Neapolitan Mastiffs, Turkman Alabai, Bullmastiffs, and some others. Every dog we breed are the higher quality descendants of the now sadly extinct, Alaunts and ancient Molossers. We always do puppy temperament testing, and because Blasco Family Bulldogs© is committed to professional transparency, we always publish our temperament assessments, along with any flaws we've observed for each individual puppy we seek to rehome. To the left, a few more Blasco dogs.

Conscientious and scientific breed development is a community-wide pursuit between the thousands of dog breeders throughout the world, committed to benefiting our breeds, our bloodlines, and our customers long into the future. Blasco Family Bulldogs© has been an industry leader in that pursuit since 1999, professionally training, testing and breeding dogs a decade before then. You can partner with us.  Ask how.

Early Training & Socialization of Protection Dogs

ALL Blasco dogs are safe, stable-minded, family dogs, assuming loving and responsible owners. ALL Blasco dogs can also be trained as AKC Canine Good Citizens (CGC), while retaining a strong drive towards family protection. Blasco Family Bulldogs© recommends achieving CGC Certifications for all protection dogs. It's really pretty easy. These dogs live to please their people! Here's how you do it...

Get your Blasco dog in public while they're still puppies and young adults - Home Depot, Walmart, outdoor strip malls, etc. Let people meet, greet, and pet them. Teach your dog what normal human interaction is. Shake hands with, and hug people, as your dog sits beside you calmly. Use a sharp snap of the leash with a sharp tone, instantly reprimanding any of the behaviors, sounds or looks you don't personally like. Teach them to sit first time, every time, in order to always have verbal control, regardless of distractions. Use an ever longer cloths line as a training lead to teach them to immediately turn and come to you when called. While you can certainly go further, training your Blasco dog to do all sorts of fun things (they're very smart) that's really the basics in a nutshell. It's not hard. No need for a professional trainer. Do-it-yourself training is a bonding exercise between you and your dog, where you establish ownership dominance and trust in real world situations. And we're happy to talk you through it by email.

A Scientific Dog Breeding Philosophy

It is a well established fact, breeding dogs together of different breeds promotes vastly superior dog health.(1) Crossbred dogs tend to be bigger, stronger, are less susceptible to disease, and therefore tend to live longer than most purebred dogs, and mothers produce more milk for more robust puppies.(2)(3)(4) At Blasco Family Bulldogs© we are working to leverage heterosis (hybrid vigor)(5) and centuries old selective breeding practices, to recapture the superior health, structural, performance and protection characteristics of the ancient dogs from the modern dog genome. We feel the Blasco dogs themselves (as seen throughout this site) are testimony of our success.

Finally while we respect the achievements of our more dog show oriented fellow breeders (Blasco dogs also having won many awards), the beauty contest victories are never really our focus. Blasco Family Bulldogs© are breed developers producing working type American Bulldogs and Bandogges as family, farm/ranch/homestead and personal protection guard dogs. We don't do dog shows, just too busy for all that. Of course, that doesn't mean our customers never attend and win at dog shows with Blasco dogs...

To your right, bred by us here at Blasco Family Bulldogs© and professionally trained by dear friend, Master Trainer, and all around expert dog woman, Natasha Duncan Hoy, that pretty white girl on the left is our own Blasco's Infidel Saiga. Having already been the surprise winner for 1st Place Best Female, Saiga in this pic is busy winning Best in Show against the 1st Place Best Male, at the 2017 ABKC Ohio Eukanuba Show. It was Saiga's first show ever. She won everything just by showing up. You can see more of Saiga here, but she's not our only winner, not by far.

Some basic info follows for your convenience...

Basic Contact, Cost & Puppy Delivery Info

Daniel Blasco with Blasco's Doc HolidayPHONE CALLS: We'll gladly speak by phone to intended puppy buyers before you make a deposit, if that's your wish. However, we're on the north slope of Pikes Peak - poor cell service at the house, a dodgy landline, and a full schedule. As such we answer all initial contacts, questions, etc. strictly by email.

Daniel Blasco with Blasco's Doc HolidayEMAIL: We really do value your feedback. We're happy to answer questions, even general dog questions from people not intending to purchase a puppy, and we answer all polite emails - eventually. That said, family, dogs and making a living keep us pretty darn busy. We tend to answer emails in bursts once a week or so. Nonetheless, please do email, by form or directly. Just be patient. This ain't Taco Bell.

Daniel Blasco with Blasco's Doc HolidayCOSTS / DEPOSITS / WAITING LISTS: Our prices are determined by who/what we've bred, the observable and tested characteristics of an individual puppy, and up-to-date U.S. market price point assessments. Our current price range for either American Bulldogs, or Bandogge Mastiffs is $2,000 to $4,000, but we tend to hover around the middle of that, so $2,500 to $3,000. Occasionally you'll see lower prices on a particular puppy, and we always tell you right up front why.

Our typical sales process is to email Blasco Puppy Announcements to all our email contacts as puppies become available. Then you make your pick, and send a non-refundable, non-transferable $200 deposit for the specific puppy you've decided on. The deposit comes off the total sales price, paid either at the time you pick your new puppy up from our place, or before we leave to deliver your new puppy to your place.

Please do note these two somewhat unusual policies:

1.) We do not accept deposits for puppies that are not yet born, ever.

2.) We do not maintain waiting or first pick lists.

Such practices attempt to get money from you as fast as possible, in order to lock you into a sale and prevent you from shopping around. We have some of the best dogs in the world. We also easily have the most straight forward, transparent practices of any breeder anywhere. Now that you've found us, it would be silly to purchase elsewhere. Feel free to shop around and learn that for yourself. And the good Lord willing, we'll be here waiting for you, hopefully long into the future.

Daniel Blasco with Blasco's Doc HolidaySHIPPING: We can no longer ship by air, and our puppies are too large for you to take them onto a plane into the cabin with you. We also will not use commercial ground shipping for our dogs, as it is simply not safe for the dogs. Do feel free to post public protests to all the airlines social media accounts, as they no longer accept bully breed puppies. The big jerks.

We do ship in-house by car to the lower 48 US states, at a cost of .55 cents per mile, round trip from Divide, Colorado; i.e., a 1,000 mile distance between your house and ours is a 2,000 mile round trip x .55 cents, with total delivery cost and sales price paid in advance, before we leave for your place. And then you're never charged a penny more. This is by far the easiest and least stressful-for-the-puppy option, experienced breeders, who know your dog well, delivering your dog to your doorstep, with no middleman in between.

The only other option is for you to either fly into Denver or Colorado Springs, rent a car, come pick up your dog and drive home, or to make your own round trip road trip, with all the associated costs and hassles, made even more interesting by traveling with a new puppy not yet familiar with you. Feel free. We love visitors, but we also don't mind driving your dog safely to your doorstep ourselves.

Daniel Blasco with Blasco's Doc HolidayFURTHER QUESTIONS: Most dog questions not answered right here are answered on the exhaustive, way too wordy FAQs page. It is at least pretty well organized by topic, but again, quite lengthy - maybe a full hour to read it all the way through, if you were so inclined. Please glance through it before emailing us your dog questions. We get a lot of those. It's why we have the FAQs page.

Legal: Legal disclaimers, questions about our policies and procedures, about how we do business, buyer/seller rights and obligations, dog registrations, and all the legal stuff are answered on the Policies & Procedures page here.

Pedigree Research: If you're doing pedigree research on our dogs you'll find a list of most of our past and present dogs here, with links to full pedigrees, and at least a short, general profile of each dog we breed.

Dog Research: If you're wanting to do more serious dog research - health, training, history, etc. - we have an ever growing list of deep dive articles here, inclusive of scientific articles in .pdf format, as well as articles by us.

Who We Are: And if you want to get to know our family, who we are, where your dog comes from, our lifestyle, and see a lot of candid family dog pics, check out our photos pages beginning here: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Feel free to email Blasco Family Bulldogs© by form or directly with any further questions we haven't covered, or polite comments.

Please enjoy the site. It's admittedly long-winded. We use it as sort of a scrap book for memories and whatnot wanting you to know who we are and where your dog comes from. Regarding the dogs pictured throughout the site, some dogs are no longer with us (whether having passed on, or been rehomed as adults) and we do own quite a few dogs not pictured on the site as well.

You can find a ton of relevant information on the FAQs page, within our articles, and within the photo pages. And all serious intended buyers should definitely read our Policies & Procedures page.

Hope to hear from you soon!


(1) Some Practical Solutions to Welfare Problems in Pedigree Dog Breeding by P.D. McGreevy & W.F. Nicholas, Animal Welfare, 1999, Vol 8, 329-331 [crossbreed dogs] "have a far lower chance of exhibiting the disorders that are common with the parental breeds. Their genetic health will be substantially higher."


(2) Genetics and the Social Behavior of the Dog by John Paul Scott, John L. Fuller, 1965, The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London, ISBN 13: 978-0-226-74338-1


(3) The Modern Kennel Conundrum by Jon Mooallem, New York Times 02/04/2007 "Given the roughly 350 inherited disorders littering the dog genome, crossing two purebreds and expanding their gene pools can be a phenomenally good idea," according to one canine geneticist, "if it is done conscientiously."


(4) Comparative Longevity of Pet Dogs and Humans: Implications for Gerontology Research by G.J. Patronek, D.J. Walters, L.T. Glickman, J. Geront., BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 1997, Vol 52A,No.3, B171-B178 quote (p. B173)


(5) If Dogs Could Talk by Csányi, Vilmos, (First American Edition, translated by Richard E. Quandt ed.), New York: North Point Press, 2005, pp. 285–286, ISBN 978-0865476868 "Hybrid dogs created by breeding two purebred dogs of different breeds, demonstrate heterosis, or hybrid vigor. The best way to continue taking advantage of hybrid vigor is from the breeding of dogs with genetic diversity."


How often do you see a bibliography on a dog breeder's website?
Check out the articles page for even deeper dog research!


We've been breeding dogs from a diversity of registered bloodlines
since before the Internet and Social Media was even a thing.
It's better for your dog, and better for their breeds.

American Bully Kennel Club's Registration ServicesInternational Designer Canine RegistryNational Kennel Club American Bulldog Breed Standard

United Kennel ClubThe Fédération Cynologique Internationale

The American Kennel Club